Restaurant guide

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Barentz Pub & Spiseri
Closed now, opens in 12 minute(s)

The following information is available for Barentz Pub & Spiseri:

A casual and lively pub with good food and good drinks. Meet the locals, talk about your adventures with other travellers, or just enjoy a whisky on your own.

Barentz Pub & Spiseri is a great place to meet new or old friends over a drink or something to eat. This is the place where you’ll meet the locals who live and work at 78 degrees north. This is where people go to hang out when the working day is over to talk, have dinner and plan their next adventure.

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Barentz Pub & Spiseri:

Monday:12:00 - 02:00
Tuesday:12:00 - 02:00
Wednesday:12:00 - 02:00
Thursday:12:00 - 02:00
Friday:12:00 - 02:00
Saturday:12:00 - 02:00
Sunday:12:00 - 02:00

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Barentz Pub & Spiseri can be found at the following address:

Vei 500
9171 Longyearbyen

Check the map to see where you can find Barentz Pub & Spiseri.


Do you need to book a table? Or maybe you have some questions regarding the menu? Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Barentz Pub & Spiseri:

940 10 665

Check the following website for Barentz Pub & Spiseri:


Use the following email address to get in touch with Barentz Pub & Spiseri:

Price range

Barentz Pub & Spiseri is in the following price range:


Here is how other visitors have rated Barentz Pub & Spiseri:

4.3/5.0 (69 vote(s))

The following parking options are available:


Are you planning a visit to Barentz Pub & Spiseri? Be sure to dress according to the following dress code:

Payment options

The following payment options are available:

Amex, Cash only, Mastercard, Visa

The following services are available:

Groups, Kids, Outdoor, Takeout, Waiter, Walkins

Barentz Pub & Spiseri can offer the following specialities:

Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Public transit

Are you planning a visit to Barentz Pub & Spiseri? Maybe you don't know how to get there? Check these directions on how to get there using public transit:

By foot or taxi


What has happend at Barentz Pub & Spiseri lately? Here you can find relevant news:


Today's special : bahn mi Vietnamese sandwich with chicken, chili mayo, pickled veggies and prawn crackers. Come try it out from 16.00 until 20.00


Good news ahead!!!! From next monday in Barentz Gastropub, all locals get 15% off the dagens 😃 Just come by and show us your alcohol card. Dagens from Mondays to Saturdays 16.00-20.00 Make sure to spread the word and we hope to see many of you!


Alright, here is the dagens list for this week where you can actually see what we have everyday 😀


We ❤️ our taco Friday 🌮🌮🌮 #tacofriday #barentzgastropub #svalbard


Had a rough Saturday night and ended up in Huset? We have the remedy!! Come try out our delicious red medicine and say goodbye to your hangover! From this week every Sunday from 13.00 until 18.00 #onlyinbarentzgastropub


The mini pool tournament is back for a second round next Thursday! Come take part of the competition and win 2 meals of your choice 😀


Here you can find pictures from Barentz Pub & Spiseri:


Here you can find videos from Barentz Pub & Spiseri:

Pre game in Barentz pub #goliverpool

The 16th edition of dark season blues festival has officially started!! Come check out the cool vibes 🎸🎷

Feeling the Oktoberfest atmosphere yet?! 🍻

Trio Grande 😍

Smooth Blues at Barentz Pub!

Hva med lammecurry og en alkoholfri drink i kveld? Vi sees på puben!

Förste Kock Sören kvalitets säkrar "dagens". Kjöttkaker med ertestuing, kokte poteter og rårörte lingon bjuder vi på idag. Serveras från kl 16-20. Välkomna in! #comeforthefoodstayforthedrinks #komförmatenstannafördrinkarna

Do you have any more information about this restaurant?
Feel free to send us a message!

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